
Bengal Tiger

 Bengal BBQ doesn't actually grill up tiger skewers, but they do good meat. Don't get the chicken-it's way too dry. My favorite thing to get is the Bengal Rice Plate. You get two skewers with rice and slaw. It's great! My favorite skewer, by far, is the pork belly. It's really good! I also like the Bengal Beef skewer, which is just some kinda tough beef in a sweet Zulu sauce.  What is Zulu sauce? I don't know, but it's good. Sometimes the skewers are a bit spicy. Or, if you get the regretable chicken skewer, a bit dry. You gotta wash it down with something. I like a good Monster. Christian likes a Coke. Lissa prefers a Diet Coke. Mandy wants a Coke Zero. Mom will go on and on about how good Sprite is, then order water! Now the long story: Off to Space Mountain With churros and pretzels in hand (and a few stuffed in bags for later), the family finally continued their journey to Space Mountain . The line was visible from a distance, but surprisingly, it wasn’t

Dole Whipper Snappers

 I like the Dole whips. I like the Dole whip floats. At the Tropical Hideaway they have a chile-mango whip swirl for $7.99.  It has mango whip, chamoy, and chile-lime seasoning.  I don't know if it's good, but I'd like to try it on this trip. Here's what it looks like: If you're not feeling so adventurous but still like the Dole whips, you can check out the more tame flavors: Now the long story that nobody is reading: Caramel Apple Churros and Pretzel Distractions Just as they were about to make their way toward Space Mountain , something magical happened. A sweet, cinnamon-y aroma wafted through the air. It was coming from a churro cart by the Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters ride. “Wait a minute,” Zac said, sniffing the air. “Is that… caramel apple churros?” “Are you kidding me?” Mandy exclaimed, immediately scanning the crowd for the churro cart. “We just ate, but I could fit in a churro.” “And what’s that over there?” Brandon pointed excitedly to a stand nearby.

NOT FINISHED - Cheers, the TV Show!

Here's a quick one.  Some of us sitting on Indiana Jones. I don't know who is taking the picture, but get on the dang ride! You're holding up the ride for the rest of us! Here's another one of some of us sitting down. These people look like people who are waiting for some Bengal BBQ! I watch a couple of episodes of the Cheers tv show most mornings. Here's a dumb little clip of the time Cheers celebrated Disney. The long story: Off to the Jungle Cruise “Well,” Scot said, standing up and stretching, “since we’re right next to it, we might as well ride The Jungle Cruise .” “Oh, yes,” Lissa said, excited. “I need some bad puns to complete this meal.” The family quickly made their way to the entrance of the Jungle Cruise , and with their appetites satisfied, they were ready for more fun. “We get to sit down again,” Gage noted, clearly relieved. “This might be my favorite ride already.” As they boarded the boat, they settled in, ready for the dry humor and anima

Moldy Churros

Have you guys seen the good Italian cured meats? Sometimes the outside gets a little moldy.  That's supposed to add to the flavor...or you can cut that part off.  Here's an example: See how some of that meat is white?  That's the mold. It's a natural, edible penicillin-based mold called Penicillium nalgiovense. It's actually an important part of the fermentation process that helps protect the meat from harmful bacteria and other, more dangerous types of mold.  So why am I talking about this? First, does anyone know if you can even get cured meats in the park?  Second, I'm really bringing this up because Lissa found moldy churros!  Take a look: Don't those look just like the mold that grows on Italian cured meats?  If you're wondering how it tastes you can ask Lissa: I don't know if moldy churros taste good. I would think so because all churros taste good, except banana. Anyway, here are some pictures of people enjoying non-moldy churros: Enough about

Happy Birthday Gage!

This is Gage's birthday.  Happy birthday. Maybe one day he will find within himself the desire to celebrate his birthday at Disneyland. We'll see! Now the long story: The Ride Breaks Down Just as they were nearing the front of the line, the worst possible thing happened—the ride broke down. An announcement came over the intercom: “Attention, adventurers! The Temple of the Forbidden Eye is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please remain seated.” Lissa threw her hands up. “See?! This is why we should have eaten first! We could be eating skewers right now.” Trevor looked at his watch. “At least we’re not starving… yet.” Mandy sighed dramatically, “We’ll probably get stuck inside the ride, and all I’ll be able to think about is how much better life would be with a Bengal BBQ skewer in my hand.” Just as Lissa was about to continue her "I told you so" speech, the ride jolted back to life. The family cheered. “Looks like Indiana Jones saved the day again,” Scot

Four Letter Word: Winnie the ________

 Pooh! hahahaha! On an episode of Seinfeld Elaine becomes especially dumb.  Her boyfriend is doing a crossword puzzle and says, "I need a four letter word: Winnie the _____" Then he says "Pooh!" because he is remembering it.  Elaine laughs and laughs (like a junior high school boy would) at the word pooh.  Then she realizes it's for Winnie the, and not the bodily evacuation. One time we went to the park and Mandy (I think it was Mandy) brought the good ole light up necklace things that are typically reserved exclusively for the 4th of July. As I recall, that was fun!  And a good idea. Maybe if one of you reading this think about it, go ahead and order a bunch of these for our trip! Speaking of Pooh Bear, here's a few more: Enough pooh. Now let's talk about the Disneyland paper maps. Way, way back when I was a kid there was no such thing as a smart phone. In fact, there wasn't even WIFI. We just had to make do as best we could. At the park they would

Fun Times, Indeed!

How fun is Disneyland? I think by now you all know I really enjoy being at the parks.  I like the rides, the food, and all the other things. Maybe if we do it right we'll come home from our next trip with enough pics and videos to keep this blog going all the way until our next trip at the end of February! And I know, some of you can't believe that even though we are still a month away from our trip in November that I am secretly planning another trip in February!  That's right, February 2025.  Low crowds! But it's not just about the low crowds. One of the bummers for our November trip (and it's just a teeny, tiny bummer) is that Small World will be closed. And since I (we) like Small World we should plan on going back in February to ride Small World. Another thing that should convince everyone that returning in February is that Tiana's Bauyo Adventure will be closed when we go in November, but you can bet that ride will be open in February!  I say let's go!