A Few Tips to Ensure a Good Time

Everybody gets a little cranky when they get hungry, tired, and thirsty.  Now, if you're hungry while at Disneyland you're just not trying.  You could easily consume 7,000 calories a day there, with each calorie more delicious than the last!  However, being thirsty and tired, in my experience, is pretty common while at Disney.  To have a good time it is important to pack good snacks and stay hydrated.  We've found that the best snack to bring into the park is the dried mangoes from Costco.  It's like eating candy and fruit at the same time, but in a good way-the mangoes are a real crowd pleaser!  Hot tip: prepare several baggies with a serving size (whatever that means to you) of mangoes so that you can just pull out a bag and give it to the child who's just about to lose it in a big way!  Other candy like Skittles will be a hit as well.  Just don't be tempted to bring chocolate because that will turn into a melty mess.

As for the hydration.  You can pay $3.75 for a bottle of water or $4.00 for a soda, or you can bring a small (or collapsible) water bottle and Mio.  Just fill the bottle at the water fountain, squirt in the Mio flavor of your choice to hide the weird taste of California water, and you're good to go!


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