Disneyland Ticket Prices

Here is how the ticket prices have changed over the years.  Part of what makes this analysis so difficult is that the park used a ticket system for several years.  So, I'll do my best!

  • The 1955 "A Day at Disneyland" adult ticket book was $2.50 per person and included park admission and 8 attractions.  You got A-C tickets because D and E tickets were not yet available.
    • For reference, in 1955 the average cost of a new house was $10,950, average monthly rent was $87, average annual salary was $4,130 and the minimum wage was $1.00 per hour.
  • The 1959 Magic Kingdom Club Adult "10" Ticket Book sold for $3.50 and included 1 A, 1 B, 2 C, 3 D, and 4 E tickets.
  • Side note: On August 12, 1965 the 50 millionth guest, Mary Adams (fake name, anyone?) entered the park.
  • The 1970 Adult Big "10" Ticket Book sold for $4.50 per person and included tickets to 10 attractions.
  • In 1985 (two years after switching from individual ride tickets to admission fees only) a one day adult passport sold for $16.50 per person.
  • The 1990 one day adult passport sold for $25.50 per person, but that price was raised to $27.50 that fall.
    • For reference, in 1985 the average cost of a new house was $89,330, average monthly rent was $375, average annual salary was $22,100, and the minimum wage was $3.35 per hour.
  • The 1996 one day adult passport was $34.50 per person
  • A one-day pass to get into the park on January 29, 2019 is $97!
"How can I spend an enormous amount of money, be uncomfortable, and listen to my children complain and whine?  Disney!"  -Jim Gaffigan


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