Crap for the Drive

It's a long haul to Disneyland.  A good 10 hours, and that's if you drive fast and never stop for gas or bio-breaks!  I think if we spend 10 hours in a confined space we tend to get cranky.  A good thing to do before we make the drive is hit a dollar store, and hit it hard!  The dollar stores tend to have quite a bit of cheap Disney stuff.  Figurines, plastic cups, coloring books, playing cards, and a bunch of other stuff.  The trick here is that you don't tell your kids you bought a bunch of Disney stuff.  You keep it secret until you're well into the drive.  Then, when they get cranky you start giving clues as to which figurine you're thinking about.  When one of the kids gets it right you pull out the figurine (or whatever toy) in question and give it to them.  Boom, instant happy!

We have had good luck with Dollar Tree up here and it looks like there's a good one in Cortez too!


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