Character Autographs

It used to be a thing to get autographs from the characters.  Do people still do that? Can you still buy an autograph book at the park?

Moving on. Here's a nice pic of some kids meeting Minnie Mouse:

What is this?  First of all, those kids are young! Barely old enough to be called babies. Secondly, the Mickey character looks like he's right out of a horror movie. Seriously, what is going on here?!

Let's watch a fun little video:

And now the long, long story that doesn't have a plot, doesn't have an end, and doesn't have any entertainment value:

Bathroom Break

After their brush with the Dark Side, the group decided to make a quick bathroom stop before continuing their adventure. Naturally, with so many people, coordinating the bathroom break turned into a small production.

As they waited outside the restrooms for the others to finish up, two Stormtroopers suddenly approached, their white armor gleaming in the Batuu sun.

The troopers stopped in front of the kids, towering over them with intimidating stances.

"You there," one of the Stormtroopers said, pointing at Reagan. "You look suspiciously like someone who supports the Rebel Alliance."

Reagan’s eyes went wide, and she shook her head vigorously. "Me? No way! I’m just here for churros!"

The other Stormtrooper leaned in closer to Zac, his voice modulator crackling. "We’ll be watching you. The First Order knows how to deal with rebels."

Zac, trying to stay cool, nodded. "I’m totally innocent! I promise! But, uh… if you see Kylo Ren again, tell him I said hi?"

The Stormtroopers exchanged glances and then marched away, leaving the kids laughing nervously.

"Okay, that was terrifying," Gage admitted, still glancing over his shoulder. "But also kind of awesome."


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