Fun Times, Indeed!

How fun is Disneyland? I think by now you all know I really enjoy being at the parks.  I like the rides, the food, and all the other things. Maybe if we do it right we'll come home from our next trip with enough pics and videos to keep this blog going all the way until our next trip at the end of February!

And I know, some of you can't believe that even though we are still a month away from our trip in November that I am secretly planning another trip in February!  That's right, February 2025.  Low crowds!

But it's not just about the low crowds. One of the bummers for our November trip (and it's just a teeny, tiny bummer) is that Small World will be closed. And since I (we) like Small World we should plan on going back in February to ride Small World.

Another thing that should convince everyone that returning in February is that Tiana's Bauyo Adventure will be closed when we go in November, but you can bet that ride will be open in February!  I say let's go!

This one where Lissa and family went on Small World with Jackie Chan is a classic!

Yet another reason to go back in February is the Disneyland Railroad.  It looks like that is going to be closed during our November visit so we need to get back down there for that!

Remember a thousand years ago when we took this pic?

Here's evidence that I kinda like Small World:

And now for the long story:

The "Real" Ghosts of the Haunted Mansion

As the family’s doom buggies creaked forward into the eerie darkness of the Haunted Mansion, the kids' eyes widened with excitement and just a hint of fear.

“They look so real!” Kevin whispered, leaning over to Gage, as a ghostly figure floated above a dining table in the ballroom scene, twirling in midair.

“Do you think they are real?” Reagan asked, half-believing in the magic of Disney.

“They’ve gotta be real,” Brandon said confidently. “You can’t make ghosts like that with just lights and mirrors.”

Then they entered the shadowy parlor with the haunted piano. The faint outline of a ghost sat at the keys, its shadowy hands floating effortlessly as it played an ethereal, haunting tune.

"Whoa," Zac said, his voice filled with awe. "The ghost plays better than I do."

“You mean the shadow ghost,” Gage corrected, craning his neck to get a better look. "It's just a shadow, but it feels like it could jump out and play a concert for us."

“Maybe if we throw him a churro, he’ll play 'Let It Go',” Trevor suggested, making the group snicker.

As they passed through the rest of the mansion, the playful ghosts continued to appear, dancing, singing, and disappearing with mischievous grins. By the time the doom buggies reached the final scene with the hitchhiking ghosts, the kids were fully convinced they had encountered real spirits.

When the ride ended, and they exited their doom buggies, the families gathered outside, still marveling at the experience.

“Those ghosts were legit,” Parkar said. “I’m telling you, one of them winked at me.”

"I swear the piano ghost smiled when we passed by," Amelia added. "He was probably laughing at us."

As they walked away from the mansion, Kevin rubbed his stomach dramatically. "I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting hungry."

"Same," Zac agreed, patting his belly. "I could eat a whole churro factory right now."


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