Happy Birthday Gage!

This is Gage's birthday.  Happy birthday. Maybe one day he will find within himself the desire to celebrate his birthday at Disneyland. We'll see!

Now the long story:

The Ride Breaks Down

Just as they were nearing the front of the line, the worst possible thing happened—the ride broke down. An announcement came over the intercom: “Attention, adventurers! The Temple of the Forbidden Eye is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Please remain seated.”

Lissa threw her hands up. “See?! This is why we should have eaten first! We could be eating skewers right now.”

Trevor looked at his watch. “At least we’re not starving… yet.”

Mandy sighed dramatically, “We’ll probably get stuck inside the ride, and all I’ll be able to think about is how much better life would be with a Bengal BBQ skewer in my hand.”

Just as Lissa was about to continue her "I told you so" speech, the ride jolted back to life. The family cheered.

“Looks like Indiana Jones saved the day again,” Scot said with a grin.

The Indiana Jones Ride Experience

The family boarded their rugged transport vehicles, buckling up for the wild journey ahead. As soon as they set off, the adventure began. The temple was as dark and creepy as ever, with flickering torches casting eerie shadows.

The ride darted forward, and the famous boulder scene loomed ahead. Zac held his breath, “Here it comes!”

The boulder rolled toward them, the vehicle jerked, and everyone screamed as they barely dodged it.

But as the ride progressed, it became clear that Indiana Jones wasn’t the smoothest of rides. With each sharp turn and jarring stop, Lissa and Mandy clutched the sides of the vehicle.

“I forgot how herky-jerky this ride is!” Mandy yelled over the noise.

“Loud, too!” Trevor shouted, wincing as they passed another booby trap.

"Watch out for snakes!" Brandon yelled, pointing toward the slithering animatronics that made everyone jump.

As the vehicle lurched to a final stop and the ride came to an end, the family stumbled out, a little shaken but exhilarated.

Post-Ride Complaints

“That was awesome,” Gage said, still grinning. “I love almost getting squashed by a giant boulder.”

“But could they make it any louder?” Kevin asked, rubbing his ears. “I think I lost some hearing back there.”

“And why does it feel like I just went through a rock tumbler?” Mandy complained, stretching her back. "That ride’s like being in a high-speed blender."

Lissa, however, just shook her head. “I told you all we should’ve eaten first. But nooo, ‘Let’s ride Indiana Jones first,’ they said. Now I’m starving and bruised.”

“Well,” Steve said with a grin, “at least now we’ve earned our Bengal BBQ.”

With that, they headed back toward Adventureland, stomachs growling and ready for skewers—finally!


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