Moldy Churros

Have you guys seen the good Italian cured meats? Sometimes the outside gets a little moldy.  That's supposed to add to the flavor...or you can cut that part off.  Here's an example:

See how some of that meat is white?  That's the mold. It's a natural, edible penicillin-based mold called Penicillium nalgiovense. It's actually an important part of the fermentation process that helps protect the meat from harmful bacteria and other, more dangerous types of mold. 

So why am I talking about this? First, does anyone know if you can even get cured meats in the park?  Second, I'm really bringing this up because Lissa found moldy churros!  Take a look:

Don't those look just like the mold that grows on Italian cured meats?  If you're wondering how it tastes you can ask Lissa:

I don't know if moldy churros taste good. I would think so because all churros taste good, except banana. Anyway, here are some pictures of people enjoying non-moldy churros:

Enough about churros.  The long story:

Bengal BBQ Feasts and Dole Whip Delights

After the adventure (and bone-rattling) experience of Indiana Jones Adventure, the family finally gave in to their hunger and headed straight for Bengal BBQ. The smoky aroma of grilled meat filled the air, and Steve led the charge, practically drooling at the thought of skewers.

“Alright, let’s load up,” Steve said, scanning the menu like a treasure map. “I’ll take a Banyan Beef Skewer, one Safari Skewer, and a Tiger Tail Breadstick for good measure.”

Lissa, relieved to finally get her food, chimed in, “I’m getting the chicken skewers. It’s about time!”

With skewers of beef, chicken, and bacon-wrapped asparagus in hand, they headed toward the Tropical Hideaway seating area. The lush greenery and the peaceful ambiance made it the perfect spot to relax after the chaos of the day. Plus, everyone had their eyes on the prize: Dole Whips.

As they sat down with their food, Trevor took the first bite and immediately looked like he had just discovered a hidden treasure. “This. Is. Amazing.”

The rest of the family dug in, and soon the table was filled with sounds of chewing and appreciation.

“This beef skewer is perfection,” Jeff said, savoring each bite. “It’s like they grilled it over the flames of the temple we just escaped from.”

“The chicken’s just as good,” Lissa said between bites, looking smug that her pick didn’t disappoint.

“I don’t know how they do it, but these skewers are worth every penny,” Scot added, nodding. “And that’s saying something for Disneyland prices.”

Brandon had already inhaled his food and was eying the Dole Whip stand. “Are we ready for dessert yet? Because I can still fit a Dole Whip.”

After polishing off the skewers and rice, the group strolled over to get their Dole Whips—classic pineapple swirls that everyone was eagerly anticipating.

As soon as the first Dole Whip hit their lips, it was unanimous: this was the best food they’d had all day.

“Why does this taste so much better in Disneyland?” Mandy wondered aloud, taking a spoonful of the creamy, tangy treat.

“Because it’s Disney magic,” Kevin answered with a grin. “They sprinkle it into the pineapple.”

“Honestly, I could live off these,” Reagan said, twirling her spoon in the soft serve. “If I lived here, I’d eat a Dole Whip every day.”

“I’d put a Dole Whip stand in my backyard if I could,” Steve declared. “This is probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten in the park.”

Julene nodded in agreement, savoring her last bite. “I mean, we’ve had churros, caramel apples, and skewers, but this—this is the ultimate.”

With bellies full of delicious BBQ and Dole Whip, the family lounged for a bit, content and satisfied. The tropical setting of the Hideaway made it hard to leave, but there was more adventure waiting.


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